the mission

Our mission is to empower you to embark on a transformational journey of self discovery and healing guided by the intuitive wisdom of the Akashic Records. The Akashic Records hold the blueprint of your soul design, life's mission, and the unique gifts you are meant to share. Accessing this wealth of knowledge provides clarity to help you live a life of extraordinary joy and fulfillment.

our offerings

Illumined Being offers spiritual readings, energy healing, and teachings designed to help you:

  1. Receive visions of your most fulfilling and aligned life
  2. Uncover the roadmap to becoming your fullest, boldest, authentic self
  3. Learn how to connect with your own Akashic Records for intuitive guidance
  4. Master spiritual and energetic practices to support you through the journey of life

the vision

Illumined Being imagines a world where everyone is loved and valued for showing up as their full and unapologetic self! To realize this vision, we are creating spaces where people feel safe to connect with their spiritual wisdom, heal their wounds, and embrace. their multifaceted nature to become who they wish to see in the world.